Revista Diseña. María Paula Barón Aristizábal, Margarita Echavarría Quinchia.

In this article, we describe the process of creating a toolkit intended to trigger a reflection on the ethical aspects of the design process in students, so that they can develop individual ethics. Following Wildevuur, Van Dijk and Schot, we understand the design process as a practice that requires awareness and openness, through exchanges that combine expectations and emotional ties that support identity, independence, and mutual recognition. Consequently, the toolkit proposes to face different academic challenges whose common aim is to include empathy in the different stages of a design project. Building from the iteration of the toolkit, we propose three new principles for the inclusion of ethics in the design process: admiration, commitment, and integrity. These principles expand the three concepts raised by IDEO ‒ respect, responsibility, and honesty, addressing a more emotional dimension of each.

Barón Aristizábal, M. P., & Echavarría Quinchia, M. (2020). Empathy Lab: Ethical Principles Enquiry for Design Education. Diseña, (17), 106-127. 

Can we help as designers to build relevant spaces for meaningful dialogue through storytelling as a tool for local empowerment? A case of study in the Colombian Pacific.
The Design Journal, 22:sup1

Abstract: Can this space help people to appropriate their personal stories and jump to community stories? In this project, participate artisans linked to Artesanías de Colombia in Colombian Pacific Coast, who were given the opportunity to tell their stories and to sit down and talk. The most powerful element of the project was the impact that those stories had within each community and how personal experiences leapt into their common history. This became a space to express the human side within the community and a stage to participate and reflect on the being and doing in a way that had not been done before. This experience allowed people to see the narrative and the power of personal stories, inside and outside the community that lives it and shares it, made possible to evidence the important responsibility and power that design interventions have in building a desirable future through human connection.

Keywords: Community, Collaboration, Empathy, Personal narrative, Narration

María Paula Barón Aristizabal (2019) Can we help as designers to build relevant spaces for meaningful dialogue through storytelling as a tool for local empowerment? A case of study in the Colombian Pacific, The Design Journal, 22:sup1, 947-965, DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2019.1595410 




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